LBCS Ownership Code Lookup

1000No constraints-private ownership
1100Private-fee simple
1140Private-fee simple, condominium ownership
1150Private-fee simple, townhouse ownership
1160Private-fee simple, portion of bldg (i.e. 2nd floor, bsmt)
1200Private-less than fee simple
2000Some constraints-easements or other use restrictions
2100Standard easements
2200Other easements
2300Mineral Rights
2400Other sub-surface rights
2500Supersurface rights
3000Limited restrictions-leased and other tenancy restrictions
3100Rights to land only (Bldg carried elsewhere)
3200Building on leased lands
4000Public restrictions-local, state, and federal ownership
4100Local government
4200State government
4210Wildlife & Parks Dept
4220Corrections Department
4230Kansas Adjutant General
4232Emergency Management
4240Transportation Agency
4241KS Turnpike Authority
4260Educational Institution (school district)
4261Regents Institution
4270Social and Rehabilitation Services
4300Federal government
4310Indian reservations
5000Other public use restrictions-regional, special dists, etc
5100Regional government
5110Water districts
5200Port authorities
5300Tribal lands
6000Nonprofit ownership restrictions
6100Nonprofit educational
6200Nonprofit philanthropic
6300Nonprofit religious
6400Nonprofit other
7000Joint ownership character-public entities
8000Joint ownership character-public, private, nonprofit, etc.
9000Not applicable to this dimension
9100Unclassifiable ownership or restriction on the use