100 | 100 |
1000 | Site in natural state |
1110 | 1110 |
2000 | Developing site |
2100 | Site that is graded with no structures or active use |
2200 | Site with temporary structures |
3000 | Developed site - crops, grazing, forestry, etc. |
3100 | Dev Site - crops, grazing etc - no structures |
3200 | Dev Site - crops, grazing etc - with structures |
4000 | Developed site - no buildings and no improvements |
4100 | Outdoor storage areas, graded or ungraded |
5000 | Developed site - nonbuilding structures |
5100 | Developed site with landscaped or ornamental features |
5150 | 5150 |
5200 | Developed site with billboards, signs, etc. |
5300 | Dev site with rds, train tracks, and other linear structures |
5400 | Developed site with tanks, reservoirs, etc. |
5500 | Developed site, mining and extraction |
6000 | Developed site - with buildings |
7000 | Developed site - with parks |
7100 | Local parks and recreational sites |
7110 | Neighborhood or local park |
7120 | Community park |
7130 | Regional park |
7200 | State, national, or other parks and recreational sites |
7210 | Recreational parks |
7211 | National or state park |
7212 | National recreation area |
7220 | Historic sites or parks |
7221 | National historic park |
7222 | National historic site |
7223 | National monument |
7224 | National memorial |
7225 | National battlefield |
7226 | National cemetery |
7230 | National environment parks |
7231 | Nature reserve |
7232 | National preserve |
7233 | Wilderness parks |
7240 | Waterway parks |
7241 | National seashore |
7242 | National lakeshore |
7243 | National river |
7250 | Other special purpose parks |
7251 | National parkway |
7252 | National trail |
7253 | Special designations for park-like areas |
7300 | Tribal Lands |
8000 | Not applicable to this dimension |
9000 | Unclassifiable site development character |