Address Locator

What is Geocoding?

Do you have a list of addresses that you want to see on a map? Do you want to see the locations of where your customers are coming from or where deliveries need to be made? Geocoding is the process of finding a specific latitude and longitude associated with a street address or other form of geographical data. The latitude and longitude coordinates can then be mapped or used in a GIS. Geocoding can also be used as an elementary method of address validation. If an address fails to be geocoded, it most likely is not a valid address.

How does the AIMS Address Locator Work?

The AIMS Address Locator is a web-based geocoding tool designed to find geographic coordinates (Latitude and Longitude) for entered addresses and return a map to the user. The online tool is interactive and easy to use. First, a user enters a set of addresses and that information is initially matched against the address database for Johnson County. For addresses outside of the County, AIMS will utilize a service provided by Yahoo! or Google. Next, the matched addresses are displayed on an interactive map that can be printed.

Users are also given the option to download the following outputs:

  • Their original file, appended with the latitude and longitude for each address
  • A digital file (in KML format) for use in websites or application like Google Earth

Address Locator
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